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Nick:Fingolfin Dodano:2004-03-14 17:39:26 Wpis:Hmmmm.....
Nie wiem co wy takiego widzicie w Legolasie, owszem to fajna postać ale nie do przesady żeby pisać że się go kocha:/

A tak pozatym to fajna stronka.
Nick:Kara Dodano:2004-03-14 17:29:48 Url:www.szatynka6.blog.pl Wpis:Stronka jest super! Uwielbiam Legolasa! Mam do ciebie prośbe podajcie adres Orlanda!!!
Nick:kolek Dodano:2004-03-14 13:29:13 Url:www.etiuda.blog.pl Wpis:jestes swietna ja tez uwielbiam legolasa jak masz ochote to napisz do mnie ul.przyjzni 1 12 20-314 lublin pa
Nick:ledo Dodano:2004-03-13 20:11:32 Wpis:A co ja moge za to ze ja sie ucze hiszpanskiego i włoskiego a nie angielskiego a stronki z takimi tekstami są po angielsku, a kwestia legolas pedal jest ciekawa moim skromnym zdaniem, w koncu Tolkien nie dał mu zadnej laski tylko krasnoluda wiec mozna snuc domysły.
Nick:Neilameane Dodano:2004-03-13 19:35:19 Wpis:Dobra, dobra. Przetłumaczę to jak chcecie. Ale to już zajmie dłużej (ludzie! Uczcie się języków!!!). A co do wizji Legolasa jako pedała... Powiem tylko jedno. Jak-kto-lubi. Przecież przed każdym tego typu opowiadaniem jest stosowne ostrzeżenie, więc co się czepiasz A$!@ ??
Nick:A$!@ Dodano:2004-03-13 12:27:55 Wpis:Fajna ta stronka, tylko przestancie pisać że L:egolas jest pedałem itp itd okej?
Nick:ledo Dodano:2004-03-12 19:42:03 Wpis:nom własnie przydało by sie tłumaczenie
Nick:pani Greenleaf Dodano:2004-03-12 18:41:26 Wpis:eeee....? gdyby było więcej obrazków w galerii bylo by świetnie
Nick:Riana Dodano:2004-03-12 15:18:36 Url:www.elleth.blog.pl Wpis:czy ktoś przetłumaczy te dzienniki??? jakoś lepiej by się je czytało...
Nick:ledo Dodano:2004-03-11 21:22:35 Wpis:The Very Secret Diary of Arwen Undomiel

Day One

Broke up with Aragorn today. He would insist on giving me a clay pipe and a pair of breeches for Valentine’s Day when I specifically requested a nightie. Have sent him away from Rivendell.

Day Two

Bored and lonely. Regret having sent Aragorn away. So what if he wanted me to dress up in a curly wig and hop around on my knees during intimate moments? Am sure other humans have equally odd hangups. Wish I could be interested in Elf men, but ever since debacle with Glorfindel back in Second Age when he accused me of copying his hairstyle, have given up on my own kind.

Day Three

Someone’s been trying on my dresses again. They are all stretched out of shape, especially the purple one.

Day Six

Legolas got all shirty when I accused him of trying on my dresses. He says I have impugned his masculinity. What masculinity?

Day Eleven

Legolas still sulking. Says other elves making fun of him now since whole dress-trying-on-incident. Says they no longer take him seriously as a man. He must have missed it when Daddy called him “the gayest gay elf that ever nanced down the pike” at last Council meeting. Or maybe he just didn’t understand it; he’s awfully pretty, but not so bright.

Day Thirteen

Too, too, too bored. Perhaps will leave Rivendell in search of adventure, or shopping.

Day Fifteen

Went all the way to the Gap of Rohan only to find there is no Gap in Rohan. Not even a Banana Republic. False advertising!

Day Seventeen

Went to Bree. Asked Barliman if had seen Aragorn lately. Barliman said, “What, that pervy hobbit-fancier?” Told him he must be thinking of other Aragorn son of Arathorn. He said, “The ‘Still Not King guy, right?’ Did not respond; some people don’t deserve my conversation. Day Eighteen

Have been following Aragorn for two days now. Have never really seen hobbits close up before. Suddenly business with curly wig and prosthetic feet starting to make sense. V. annoyed. Slow burn.

Day Twenty

Doesn’t he ever wash his hair when I’m not around?

Day Twenty-Four

Is official. Aragorn a complete pervy hobbit-fancier. Is obviously into little blue-eyed hobbit Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Day Twenty-Five

Cornered Sam while he was out looking for herbs. Explained to him exactly how was possible to kill human men instantly and silently using just a fork and a rubber band. Turned him around, gave him little push in Aragorn’s direction... alas no dice. “But we need him to protect Frooodo, scary elf lady!”

Whingy little hobbit, I’ve no patience at all. Day Twenty-Six

Finally decided to take care of Aragorn myself; was about to slit his cheating throat when was distracted by howling moans of Ringbearer. Decided to annoy Aragorn by hobbit-napping bite-sized hero and taking him for extended pony ride.

Little hobbit really rather adorable, blast him.

Cannot believe am getting all swoony over hobbit. Repeat to self: “Aloof, unavailable elf princess. Aloof, unavailable elf princess.” Especially cannot believe am getting all swoony over greenish-looking, half-dead hobbit.

Day Twenty-Seven

Chased by Ringwraiths. So tedious. Off to Rivendell.

Day Twenty-Nine

Well, really. Cannot even get near Ringbearer, as Sam is always there, plus caught Aragorn sneaking around in shrubbery by hobbits’ quarters. Claimed he was looking for shard of Narsil he had misplaced.

Day Thirty

Hobbits such a bother. Kitchen staff fussing – all out of carrots. Bathroom staff fussing – all out of strawberry scented bath bubbles. Legolas fussing – will not let me go to Council meeting as then he will not be prettiest. Strain is obviously getting to Daddy. Asked me yesterday in haggard manner whether I thought purple suited his complexion. Told him of course not, he is so obviously an autumn.

Day Thirty-Two

Spent all day hanging about on bridge looking pretty before Aragorn happened along. Accused him point-blank of hobbit-fancying. He told me that Isildur had been a pervy hobbit-fancier, and he was just trying to build his career in a similar fashion. Told him: “You are Isildur’s heir, not Isildur himself.” To which he replied, "If only you were a bit shorter, and had bigger feet.”

Day Forty

Spent quite the night with Gimli. Those braids! That axe! I am smitten. No more hobbits for me, it is dwarves all the way now. Well, perhaps might just pop by one last time to watch Sam give Frodo his bath. After all, I didn’t filch that bathroom key out of Aragorn’s pocket for nothing.

to kolejne pamietniczki do przetłumaczenia byłbym wdzięczny za ich translacje tak jak zrobiłas to poprzednio wypadło swietnie wiem ze tylko do ciebie mozna sie o to zwrocic uwielbiam twoją stronke jestes boska
Very Secret Diary of Elrond

Day 1:

Bad breakup with Isildur. As if the pervy hobbit-fancying wasn't bad enough, he would insist on wearing tacky gold jewelry against my advice. Confirms my suspicions that humans not just weakest race of Middle-Earth, but also cannot accessorize worth a damn.

NB: Big battle, we won, Sauron defeated. Plundered Barad-dur but notable lack of pretty things to take home. Sauron's decorating tastes definitely running towards black, knobbly, tattered look. So not me.

Day 3:

Isildur set upon by orcs and killed. Told him his poor dress sense would attract all the wrong sorts.

Day 2,0045:

So bored in Rivendell. Have decided to hold council meeting and name it after myself. Will invite all eligible males of Middle-Earth who have nothing better to do on a weekend to come. Go me!

Hope Legolas does not attend; still remember party in Second Age where he disappeared mysteriously, along with two gallons of my favorite strawberry bath suds, a bottle of olive oil, and three of those tiny hobbit creatures from the Shire Isildur was so strangely fond of.

Day 200048:

Drat. Legolas first one to RSVP to my party invitation. Wish he would not use scented pink stationary as makes me sneeze. Did however offer to bring game of Twister to play. Along with disco ball I borrowed from Sauron back in First Age, should make for quite the party.

Day 200050:

Unexpected surprise as Gandalf stopped by, apparently just to have a whinge about big fight he had with Saruman. Tuned him out -- do I look like an Agony Aunt? Why does everyone come to me with problems?

Day 200051:

Gandalf does not like Twister idea and has rejected my suggestion of a polka music theme for the Council. Instead insists we sit around and talk about boring old fate of Middle Earth, defeat of ultimate evil, blah blah blah. Don't see why we all have to suffer just because Isildur couldn't give up his jewelry habit.

Day 200059:

Gandalf made me return disco ball to Sauron. Told me to sort out my priorities. He should talk -- he's the one who attracted a crowd this afternoon with that pointy hat trick he likes to do. Glorfindel so horrified by pointy hat trick he would not stop sobbing spasmodically until was calmed by liberal application of hobbit weed. New generation of elves such wimps.

Day 200061:

Everyone finally arrived for party -- oh wait, I mean boring-ass Secret Council Meeting. Ponced off myself to have a sulk, and bumped into smallest hobbit hanging about the greensward. Took him for inanimate lawn ornament at first, but soon was furnished with proof that he was very much alive. Says his name is Pippin. Perhaps Isildur was onto something with all those hobbits after all.

Day 200068:

All right, who's been using all my strawberry bath bubbles?

Certainly wasn't Aragorn, judging by the state of *his* hair.

Day 200071:

Loud giggly splashy noises emanating from first floor bathroom. No one can get in. Legolas practicing his nancing in the meeting hall, Boromir hanging about the shards of Narsil, obviously hoping Aragorn will show up, and Gandalf still breaking in new pointy hat. Tried to have a quiet think in the garden only to discover someone had dug up all the carrots. Is there no peace to be had?

Day 200072:

Refused to let Arwen attend Council of Elrond, as if she does, she will certainly notice I have borrowed her tiara.

Tiara looks better on me anyway.

Day 200075:

Council very boring. Got to say "DOOM" a few times in v. dramatic voice but am afraid Ringbearer was not impressed as was busy fending off advances of Aragorn, who was making all sorts of suggestive sword comments. He better watch it. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Tried to cheer self up by trying on favorite purple dress of Arwen's, but am fairly sure someone was watching as could hear tittering noise coming from broom closet. Do not see what is so funny -- purple dress looks fabulous on me. Day 200076:

Fellowship leaving tomorrow. Decided to give Pippin goodbye tour of Rivendell. In process, purple dress got all stretched out of shape. Hope Arwen does not notice -- she gets so grabby about her things, and since they've closed the Gap of Rohan, probably no way to get another dress like it.

Pippin told me purple is so my color. Go me!


Day 1

House of Elrond v nice place, apart from the Elves.

Day 3 Got drafted into some fellowship thingy. The only reason am going coz of that elf Legolas. He has nice tights.

Day 4

Aragorn and Boromir were arguing over who would get to carry Frodo. They are obviously pervy hobbit-fanciers. Legolas prettiest in Fellowship. Not that a Dwarf like me notices those kind of things.

Day 6 Aragorn keeps looking at Frodo strangely; Sam will kill him if he tries anything. Ha! Have strange feeling that Aragorn dosen’t like me.

Can see that Legolas is gagging for it. Knew my Dwarven looks would get him eventualy.

Day 10

Fell totally betrayed after Legolas hit on Frodo. Must be the Ring’s strange power over everyone, obviously.

Day 11

Went into Moria, after nearly getting eaten by big squid thing, but it ran off as soon as it saw it had ME to deal with.

Day 24

Is v dark in Moria, and I think Aragorn keeps pinching Frodo. Legolas stays close by me. Is obviously totally lost with out me (or maybe it’s because it’s so dark in here.)

Gandalf died. We’re all doomed.

Legolas thinks he’s developing a spot, but he’s just paranoid; he’s obviously the prettiest of the Fellowship. and me the most rugged. I think Pippin might be onto my feelings for Legolas. Stupid Hobbit.

Day 27

Went to Lothlorien. That Galadriel is obviously into me, but I’m spoken for. I bet it’s my big axe she digs. Legolas took a bath in Galadriel’s fountain thingy. Silly Elf. Cute though.

Day 30

Leave Lothlorien.

Travelled in those boat things. Legolas’ complexion is suffering like hell, but this sort of thing doesn’t affect a Dwarf like me.

Day 33

Boromir try to take ring, and from what I hear, tried to have a little cuddle. Gay pervy hobiit lover.

Day 34

Boromir killed.

Legolas upset, but I comforted him. I think he likes my chunky braids.

Day 36

Frodo went to Mordor, but had trouble saying goodbye to me. I think he wants to shag me; I’m not into Hobbits, but the thought is intriguing.

I fancy the pants off Legolas; Am waist height, so can see advantages there, but chunky braids and big helmet might get in the way. Life is unfair.

Secret Diary of Legolas II By Katie

Day 1 Arrived to Council of Elrond. No one knows how botherly that hourse riding is. Now my gorgeous hair is all tangled and I'll have to unpack all of my hair products. I hate tangles. So messy. I am so gorgeous. God I look good even with the tangles. Prettiest person in the middle-earth. haha. Go me!

Day 5 Dang fellowship. Always making fun of my tights. They are starting to rid up though with all of this walking. Think Gimli is staring. Must find baggy pants.

Day 7 Didn't find baggy pants. Dumb mission. Who cares bout some end of the world. Can't die anyway. Dumb Sauron. Guess he hasn't heard of immortality. Gimli can't star at my tight pants in the dark of Moria. Not that I don't understand why he wants to stare. I am so hot. Whoohoo! I'm so much better than those little men with short pants and tall, dark, handsome men with all of that manly stubble, broad shoulders and Lordliness. hmmmmmmmmm...... maybe i should find a woman so i don't become gay.

Day 10 Gandalf died today. Balrog touched his toushy as they went down. Gandalf's eyebrows were too bushy anyway. And he was so in love with those hobbits. Pervy hobbit fancier.

Day 11/12 Galadriel may want to be my woman. She scares me though. Was peeking on Frodo cause i thought he was with aragorn, but i saw her go all crazy for the ring. lucky me. can't go crazy cause i have everything. except a woman. maybe i should stick with guys. hmmmmm...........

Day 30 Why did I have to get stuck paddling Gimli around on that stupid river huh? he keeps talking about my elfhood and his dwarfhood, but I try to ignore him. Haven't heard all he has said, but maybe that saying is right: ignorance is bliss. Bliss is such a manly word don't you think? Oh, god, I am so fruity. Someone help me. i better stop hanging out with these guys.

Day 35 haven't been writing in diary cause Aragorn says it's gay. I mean come on. he's the pervy hobbit fancier. I mean who could be attracted to a small hobbit who is prone to illness, says "Oh, Sam!" every five seconds, and has a huge gap in between his teeth. I on the other hand have perfect teeth and my accent isn't FAKE! hahahahaha. ok back to the point. why can't aragorn be a pervy elf fancier? i am so much prettier than everyone else especially Frodo. and i have buns of steel. what other creature can say that? maybe aragorn does. 'll have to check that out. In other news, boromir dead. Everyone still thinks orcs illed him, but i know the real truth. everybody said Sam would kill him if he tried anything. well, he tried to get a cuddle and look where that got him.

later that night Aragorn very sad that frodo ran off with sam. there's an old saying that people are vulnerable after breakups- can see bright sunny skies ahead
Nick:Riana Dodano:2004-03-11 20:03:04 Url:www.elleth.blog.pl Wpis:Legolas Rulez!
Elfy Rulez!
Nick:pani Greenleaf Dodano:2004-03-09 14:14:39 Wpis:Chciałam powiedzieć że ta strona zalicza się do jednych z moich ulubionych stron( o Legolasie) Prawda ,że on jest BOSKI!!!!!!!
Za***ista stronka
Nick:Riana Dodano:2004-03-08 18:45:46 Url:www.elleth.blog.pl Wpis:to jest suuuper stronka, ja po prostu kocham Legolasa :) TYLKO MOZNA BY CZESCIEJ DODAWAC OPOWIADANKA :)
Nick:Riana Dodano:2004-03-08 18:45:46 Url:www.elleth.blog.pl Wpis:to jest suuuper stronka, ja po prostu kocham Legolasa :) TYLKO MOZNA BY CZESCIEJ DODAWAC OPOWIADANKA :)
Nick:arvena Dodano:2004-03-05 19:32:13 Wpis:Ta stronka jest absoutnie magiczna.Myślę że Ci co ja odwiedzają to sami Elfowie i Elfki.Moze kiedys wspólnie zbudujemy Rivendell???
Nick:Neilameane Dodano:2004-03-04 15:22:15 Wpis:Ano. Ale na tej gali wyglądał trochę dziwnie. Jakoś o 10 lat młodziej..
Nick:Witch_Ciri Dodano:2004-03-02 20:09:51 Url:www.bloomio.prv.pl Wpis:niom, Depp był potraktowany okrutnie :[ zasłużył sobie na tego oskara...
Nick:Diiriiibaaaassiiiiii Dodano:2004-03-02 16:31:12 Url:ble Wpis:Legolas kontra Aragorn!!??
Aragorn bawiąc się swoim mieczem niechcący opcioł Legolasowi 6 włosów.Legolas wkużając się groził Aragornowi strzałą.I ZACZEŁA SIĘ BITWA!!!!!...Legolas dał Aragornowi z sierpowej,a Aragorn kopnoł Legolasa w zadek.Legolaz za to walnoł Aragorna w nos aż krew zaczeła pryskać (ale po chwili przestała).A Legolas wyśpiewując :ja te triki różne znam,dlatego wygrywam!!!!!Tak zakończyła się bitwa stulecia!! ELF kontra LUDZIK!!
Nick:Neilameane Dodano:2004-03-01 15:27:45 Wpis:11 i to we wszystkich kategoriach, w których był nominowany ^_^ Tak ostatnio czytałam na onecie apropos tych wpadek filmowych i PJ stwierdził, że nie ma nic przeciwko temu, gdyż dzięki temu wie, że jego filmy są często ogolądane.
Nick:IzzY Dodano:2004-03-01 14:45:48 Url:izzy-dragons-hunter.blog.pl Wpis:Jest 11 i to jest piękne )
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