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Nick:szafir5 Dodano:2006-07-03 03:33:00 Url:http://one6.pl/ Wpis:Szukam szukam i znalazlem!!!
Nick:mourad Dodano:2004-06-17 08:17:02 Wpis:sokol is the best team in Manitoba and one of the best teams in Canada and i wish the best luck for you guys this year specially against the sons of italy and lucania
Nick:come on Dodano:2004-05-30 07:45:04 Wpis:update this mother fucker already
Nick:hello boys Dodano:2004-04-26 21:05:12 Wpis:Daly you son of a bitch, good job slapping players on fri you pussy, enjoy your suspension and enjoy your 16 year old Iroqious girlfriend.
Nick:simon Dodano:2004-04-16 23:16:45 Wpis:hey u guys gonna update this site or what? this shit on here is from last oktober!
we wanna hear what the hell is going on with u guys, so much but we don't know if it's true
Nick:--=(7)=-- Dodano:2004-01-25 11:19:49 Url:http://switskolwin.w.interia.pl Wpis:Siema!! Chciałem serdecznie zaprosić wszystkich na stronę klubu piłkarskiego Świt Szczecin -> www.swit.w.pl lub http://swit.w.interia.pl

Nick:Matt D Dodano:2003-12-07 10:14:54 Wpis:U guys are by far my favorite team. Especially number 14 hes awesome. I've come to every game last year and can;t wait till next year. Your guys rule.
Nick:Fat Albert Dodano:2003-10-31 21:27:23 Wpis:Yeah all you haters have nothing else to say. Do something better with your lives. Don\'t rag on others. Like Beef Curtins said We still smokin and I say sell your asses
Nick::-) Dodano:2003-10-06 10:12:16 Wpis:"peace and love once again" hahaha
Nick:Arek Dodano:2003-09-27 06:34:32 Wpis:Pankracy...no coz Ty wiesz swoje a ja swoje nie bede polemizowal.

Zibi....oj takich prostych wpisow dawno nie widzialem. "***" przez "H" na scianach pisali wlasnie tacy jak Ty a to wcale nie znaczy ze sie tak pisze. Jak sie dowiesz od jakiegos uczonego kolegi...moze nawet od pana Kogutowicza to mozesz mnie tu przeprosic. CHWDP nie wiem czy Ci maly czlowieczku cos to mowi. A szkola moja byla na Konwiktorskiej domysl sie gdzie. I jescze jedno wyzywac to mozesz swoich kolegow prostaku.
Nick:Zibi Dodano:2003-09-27 04:26:48 Wpis:Arku czlowieku do jakiej szkoly chodziles?w jakiej gminie? BURAKU jeden!!!.*** zawsze sie pisalo i bedzie pisac prze samo h.
p.s Sokol zawsze bedzie #1 a Ty od Kogutowicza(KTORY TAK NA MARGINESIE JEST ZA***ISTY) waraaa czeresniaku!!!.
Nick:Pankracy Dodano:2003-09-25 20:31:32 Url:www.sokolsc.prv.pl Wpis:Na poczatku dzieki tym wszystkim, ktorym podoba sie witryna Sokola SC. A jeśli chodzi o jej webmastera to ja nim jestem od samego poczatku, czyli Pankracy, (to pisze zresztą na dole każdej stronki + e-mail) a nie ktoś, kto sie wpisal jako "administrator" do ksiegi gosci, bo to może zrobic każdy. Adres IP ("administratora"), zreszta od razu wskazuje na kolesia z Kolumbii Brytyjskiej, ktory tak przy okazji widze ze ma jeszcze jakies niezaplacone mandaty :-)
Mój adres IP zaczyna się na 80.48.cos.tam i jest z Polski, wojewodztwo Zachodniopomorskie.
Poza tym ksiega gosci jest dla wszystkich (a nie tylko dla zwolennikow). Nie ma cenzury w ksiedze i nigdy nie bedzie, bo cenzura jest bez sensu, nie?
A a propos "Dumy Polonii" to wydaje mi sie ze druzyna, ktora zdobyla puchar w tym i tytul mistrza w ubieglym sezonie jest dumą, a moze nie? A druzyna, ktora snuje sie w ogonie tabeli, wpuszcza po kilka, w porywach po kilkanascie bramek jest co najwyzej Obciachem. Zamiast wiec sie wsciekac z zazdrosci i zwalac wine na jakies organizacje, (za ciasne trampki, talibow albo wrogo nastawionych Indian) niech sie lepiej moze wezma porzadnie do roboty i pokaza klase, to byc moze, kto wie Sokol SC w przyszlosci przygarnie ich do piersi jak marnotrawnych synow i nauczy grac na poziomie?
Nick:Arek Dodano:2003-09-25 08:42:27 Wpis:Hahahaha..."webmaster" you are one funny lad, no class but really funny...Sokol the pride of the Polish community???? Who? The 2 Polish players you have? Sokol the pride of the nations sounds a lot better. Serbian, Croatian, Jamaican, Chilean, El Salvadoran, German, Jewish...did I miss anyone? The truth is Sokol is a very skilled soccer team but as far as the organization, it leaves a lot to be desired. You prove this by knocking a team (Polonia) just to make your team sound much better. I don't understand the dislike between the two teams but from what I know it is not between the players but between the two supporting organizations. However with the type of attitude that is displayed on this website I am not surprised. Instead of bringing the Polish community together you (webmaster), Mr. Kogutowicz (the "unbiased" reporter) and the Polish radio personel are doing everything possible to further split the 2 clubs and thats a shame. I wish you luck at the Nationals in Quebec predictions I will leave to myself. The bottom line is there is way too much politics involved here and it has little if anything to do with soccer. I know a few people from the Sokol organization and have respect for them I know all of the players and some are friends so when I come to visit your website which by the way is top class I get upset when I read posts like the webmasters and zibis..."by the way zibi if you are insulting someone do it right "***" is spelled with CH." I wrote this in English so everyone can be clued in.

PS If you really want Sokol SC to be the pride of the Polish community don't alienate half of it with your ignorant actions.
Nick:boug/Sokol kibol Dodano:2003-09-23 05:37:40 Wpis:I wish you guys all the best in Quebec...your going to kick some ASS!!

Try not to listen to these other ignorant fools who are simply jealous they don't have the talent you do.

I'm suprised people hold gruges especially when they are ALSO being represented by Sokol in the Nationals...just a thought.

Good luck, all the best.

p.s. If you have nothin nice to say...just get the F**K OUT! Call Dr.Laura or whoever her name is.
Nick:Webmaster Dodano:2003-09-23 04:57:44 Wpis:ya, I know what you mean,,,,,just like how Polonia "kicked our ass last Saturday - Sept 20, 2003" - "NOT!"

As for Herbie and Sokol friends having a great time laughing, there is definitely
"something to laugh at", when Sokol is kicking Polonia's ass, don't you think???lol

Oh ya....speaking of Quebec, I wouldn't speak too soon, if I were you, cause "one should never underestimate Sokol's talent on the field, especially with a non-bias ref! Sokol's record speaks for itself.

Talk about "sour grapes"!!!!!
Sokol S.C. is the "pride" of the Polish Community...it is a fact and you know it!!!!
Nick:Futbol Dodano:2003-09-22 20:55:25 Wpis:I just wanted to say that you guys are going to get your asses kicked in Quebec.
We'll see then if Herbie and friends will be laughing during the game like they do all the time.
Nick:Kristen Dodano:2003-09-06 22:58:06 Wpis:I agree with every one else this is an awesome website. Thanks to you guys I had a pretty decent Labour Day weekend. You are the most polite and fun sports team to EVER stay at the Nor'Wester. Good Luck in Quebec
Kristen (pool girl) ;)
Nick:Zibi Dodano:2003-08-19 04:51:52 Url:N/a Wpis:Gratula dla Sokola.Teraz tylko Hellas pozostalo i puchar Nasz!!!W Sokolni.Pozdrowienia dla wszystkich kiboli Sokola a dla Polonii SC "TAKI ***"
Nick:soccer fan Dodano:2003-08-09 06:30:55 Url:cool Wpis:hey this is a pretty sweet sight. It beats the sons of italy sight. Now all you have to do is beat them on the pitch. I look forward to watching the MSA cup final
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